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Описание сериала Действие разворачивается в Нью-Йорке 1958 года. В основе сюжета лежит история «примерной домохозяйки» Мириам Майзел, которая внезапно обнаруживает у себя скрытый талант к стендапу.
Теги: Драма ,
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Amazon Prime ,
Майзел Скачать видео (509.16 Мб) Таймкоды 00:00 : Amazon Originalseries00:05 : Rose meets Cosma to know about Midge's futureseries02:55 : Title Sequenceseries02:58 : Joel proposes Midgeseries06:26 : Benjamin tries to convince Abeseries09:44 : Joel learns about Midge's new friendseries11:23 : Midge asks Abe's decision about Benjaminseries15:34 : Jackie gives advice to Susieseries17:55 : Joel fights with Midgeseries22:23 : Abe warns Charles and his colleaguesseries26:11 : Miriam visits Imogeneseries02:49 : Midge gets pulled off the stageseries32:21 : Midge motivates Lennyseries36:36 : Sophie gives an offer to Susieseries40:18 : Shy surprises Midgeseries44:39 : Abe agrees to Midge's marriageseries04:51 : Lenny does well at the showseries52:09 : Midge tells Joel about her tour with Shy Baldwinseries57:03 : End Creditsseries